Fabienne Le Houérou

Fabienne Le Houérou

Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond


Visual Archive of Fabienne Le Houérou, Research Program “Refugees in Egypt”, 2006.

This video was shot in Cairo by Fabienne le Houérou with Barbara Harell-Bond in Cairo during the spring of 2006. She had asked me to publish this video after she passed away. In memory of her great commitment to the dispossessed, I do post this Visual Archive of mine. My gratitude goes to professor Barbara for being an inspiring researcher and for the years (2001/2006) we worked together at the American University in Cairo, teaching but also participating to the legal aid program we set up in 2002-2003-2004.

In this rare interview, BHB narrates the massacre of the Sudanese refugees in Cairo near the UNHCR office in Mohandessen during the winter 2005 in a place called Mustapha Mahmoud. She describes the high level of complexity concerning the combination of responsibilities for this abhorrent event leading to the death and injuries of a few hundred of Sudanese refugees. She very honestly evokes the unvonlunteer responsibility of the Academics at AUC (including her) – giving voices to the refugees in a way that put them at risk- and the influence of refugees leaders who lied to the protesters and at last the dreadful role of the security forces of the former Egyptian president.

The entire interview is translated into French in a book published by Fabienne Le Houérou: Darfour, le Silence de l’Araignée, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2009, 208 p. https://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=29295 .

The interview can also be read on the internet on RéseauTerra: Fabienne Le Houérou, “Le drame de la place Mustapha Mahmoud au Caire raconté par Barbara Harrell-Bond“, Recueil Alexandries, Collections Reflets, avril 2006.

Fabienne Le Houérou
Fabienne Le Houérou
Histoire, Anthropologie à  | Site Web |  Plus de publications
Historienne, anthropologue et réalisatrice, CNRS, IREMAM, MMSH, Aix-Marseille-Université; Fellow à l'Institut convergences migrations, Aix-en-Provence, Directrice de la Revue Science and Video

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"Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond." Revue Science and Video [Online]. Available: https://scienceandvideo.mmsh.fr/rush-13/. [Accessed: 12 mars 2025]
Revue Science and Video (12 mars 2025) Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond. Retrieved from https://scienceandvideo.mmsh.fr/rush-13/.
"Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond." Revue Science and Video - 12 mars 2025, https://scienceandvideo.mmsh.fr/rush-13/
Revue Science and Video 14 juin 2022 Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond., viewed 12 mars 2025,<https://scienceandvideo.mmsh.fr/rush-13/>
Revue Science and Video - Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond. [Internet]. [Accessed 12 mars 2025]. Available from: https://scienceandvideo.mmsh.fr/rush-13/
"Archive sur le massacre des réfugiés au Caire en 2005. Interview de Barbara Harrell-Bond." Revue Science and Video - Accessed 12 mars 2025. https://scienceandvideo.mmsh.fr/rush-13/